Christ is Still Crucified

Brothers and Sisters,

Christ is among us!


It is election day in the United States, and it has proven to be one of the most divisive times that many of us can remember. As people vote today, and as many of us glue ourselves to various screens in order to watch, to ponder, to worry, to hate, and to become satisfied or dissatisfied, it is important for the Christian to remember that we still love, serve, and trust in the crucified One.

Let us strive to remember that regardless of which candidate wins, the world does not become darker or lighter. The election of a president does not make the world more evil than it was the day before, nor does it make the world more just. These are fancies the Christian must not fall prey to. Preoccupation with these fears keeps us from recognizing the crucified Christ in our midst. We do not put our trust in princes, in sons of men, in whom there is no salvation (Ps 146:2). Rather, we put our trust in Christ, his unoriginate Father, and his healing, comforting, and life-creating Spirit.

Similarly, the fear of fascism or socialism, as the demonic fear-mongers term our choices, must no be allowed overtake our minds or hearts. If our economic system collapses, Christ is still crucified. If we become a theocratic authoritarian state, Christ is still crucified. Facism? Socialism? Monarchy? Anarchy? No political ideology will change the reality of the universe, nor can it alter the calling of the Christian to be Christ to the world.

The election will not change the reality of God entering the world, wrapping himself in the creation he had made, and going to his voluntary death to bring us back from death, and raising us up with himself. The election will not change the power and efficacy of the Incarnation. Nor will it change the Gospel. This beautiful Gospel, which frees us from such cares as forms of government or economic systems; the Gospel that frees us so completely and perfectly that we are free to act as the crucified Christ, and live a crucified life on behalf of our neighbor.

We are free to enter into our own crucifixion, dying on behalf of others and become one with Christ. We are free to stand up in the face of tyranny, to defend the defenseless, to do works of compassion, mercy, and forgiveness. We are free to offer sacrifices on behalf of one another. We are free to live without worry. We are free from slavery to money, security, and the American “dream.” We are free from necessity. We are free from anger, lust, and fear; fear of any form of government or economy. We are free to co-suffer with those who suffer. We are free to give our money away without concern, knowing God will supply our needs. We are free. We are free. We are free!

Beloved, the life of the Christian is the crucifixion. Let us joyously give thanks to God for this wonderful gift! The election comes today, and it will pass away. This country will pass away. Whether our society is a great imperial power, or a back-water, post-apocalyptic cesspool, Christ is still crucified, and he has given us the freedom to be crucified with him. As he went to his life-creating Passion, let us begin to do likewise, singing praises of joy and thanksgiving to the crucified One who unites us to himself!


Christ Comes to be Baptized


Believing Children